Oceana Wilson

Former student library employees pay it forward

Anyone who visits the Alfred University libraries is sure to notice the helpful students working at our front desks. You might be surprised to learn, though, that the Alfred University libraries employ nearly 100 students in a typical semester. That’s a lot of students!
I contacted some former student employees to ask how the experience of working in the libraries impacted their job searches and career plans after graduation. As the following examples illustrate, students gain highly marketable skills while working in the libraries and the experience can have a strong influence on their eventual career plans.

Catherine Dillon

Catherine Dillon

Working at Herrick Library had a big impact on Catherine Dillon’s career aspirations after graduation. She says, “I have a great amount of respect for my supervisors at Herrick Library and they were key figures in guiding my career focus.” After graduation, Catherine became an evening and weekend supervisor at Binghamton University’s Bartle Library, and was later promoted to Library Reader Services Coordinator. She is working towards a Master of Library and Information Services degree at the University of Buffalo. She credits her time at Herrick with helping her to “learn to approach work with an open and flexible mindset, which in this job market is key.”
For Kristin Eklin, working as a student supervisor at Herrick Library made her realize that she wanted to eventually work in a leadership or management position. Working with student supervisees and patrons gave her a chance to sharpen her communication skills and helped prepare her for her current position in event planning and marketing at St. John’s Foundation in Rochester. Kristin says that her experience at Herrick was “extremely valuable during job interviews. Many employers prefer job candidates that have maintained steady employment through out college and demonstrated growth in to the role of supervisor. This position also displayed my ability to work with peers, faculty, and staff.”
Olivia "Liv" Tsistinas

Olivia “Liv” Tsistinas

After graduating from Alfred with a BFA, Olivia “Liv” Tsistinas wasn’t sure what she would do next. Her experience at Herrick Library helped her to land a job as an evening and weekend supervisor in a library. She went on to earn a Master of Library Science degree and is now a Clinical/Outreach Librarian at Upstate Medical University’s Health Science Library. While it may seem a long way from art school, Liv says that she has found ways to use her background in art, including coordinating library exhibitions in two gallery spaces. She says, “I love being able to incorporate all the facets of my Alfred University experience into what I do!”
Caitlin Brown, who works as a monograph cataloger at the Indiana University law library, says that she “liked working in the library so much that I got an MLS and became a librarian!” At the Scholes circulation desk, where she worked from 2006 to 2008, she found herself “kind of in the middle of everything” and used the experience to improve her research skills. In grad school, where positions were very competitive, she found that her experience at Scholes was a definite plus.
Oceana Wilson

Oceana Wilson

Working at Herrick Library was the first step in a career in libraries for Oceana Wilson, eventually leading to her current position as Director of Library and Information Services at Bennington College. While at Herrick, she had the opportunity “to see some of the behind the scenes work that went into creating the innovative services and responsive environment of Herrick Library. “ It was getting to know the librarians at Herrick that encouraged her to become a librarian. She says, “They really believed in the work that they were doing and that was very inspiring.”
When Jessie Baldwin sought work at Scholes Library, she already knew that she wanted to be a librarian. She gained lots of practical experience at Scholes, from working at the circulation desk, to helping students to find books, and being responsible for opening the library.
Jessie Baldwin

Jessie Baldwin

The experience helped her to get into a library science graduate program and, while she was still in school, to be hired at the Upstate Medical Library. She says, “I learned a ton that I still carry with me. I always felt I had one of the best work study jobs at Alfred.”
At Herrick Library, Greg Arnold gained skills in customer service and staff supervision, both of which helped him to land his current position as Lead Library Assistant at the Werner Medical Library in Rochester. He says that he wouldn’t have known where to start if he hadn’t “supervised student workers, handled patron questions and complaints, interacted and communicated with my supervisors, and dealt with the occasional craziness that comes with libraries.” Greg’s experience at Herrick gave him a greater appreciation for what libraries do and helped to clarify his career goals, which includes a desire to own his own business one day.
Joy Thomas with her husband

Joy Thomas with her husband

After graduating from Alfred University, Joy Thomas worked briefly in retail before taking a position at the Cornell University Library, first in access services and, for the last six years, as Borrowing Coordinator for Interlibrary Loan. She says that it was her experience working in access services at Herrick Library helped her to get her first library position. She “really loves working in the library and can’t see that ending anytime soon.”
These are just some examples of ways in which students have benefited from the experience of working in the Alfred University libraries. Of course, the libraries benefit as well! Without student employees, the libraries couldn’t function at anywhere near their current levels of service – students open and close the libraries, and provide essential services in the evenings and on weekends when full-time staff and librarians have gone home. Students bring other benefits to the libraries, too. As Herrick librarian Brian Sullivan notes, “Student workers keep the library’s culture, perspective, and values centered on our primary patrons, AU students!”
— Ellen Bahr

“1st International Photographic Button Show, or Revisiting the Button Button Show”

With all of the photo based shows opening up this week around campus, I was inspired to re-visit a display I organized for Scholes library four years ago, the “1st International Photographic Button Show, or Revisiting the Button Button Show.”  buttons on top of crateHarland Snodgrass, professor of painting and video at the College of Ceramics from 1969 to 1985, donated the buttons to Scholes Library back in 2008, along with a series of videotapes he made as a faculty member here.
The “Button Button” show originated in 1976 when Harland sent out over 2000 requests for submittals. Each artist who submitted work was asked to submit four identical images, one of which was returned as a button to the artist while the other three were added to the traveling exhibitions. Submissions came in from all over the United States, as well as Canada, Uruguay, Scotland, and England and, in the end, he received a total of 200 entries.  Each entry was die cut by Harland and made in to a button. The show traveled “from coast to coast,” being exhibited in galleries and museums.
In 2010, Harland sent me an email describing the show, which was first installed in Fosdick Nelson Gallery in March 1977. At the end of the description he explains how one of the buttons contained a hidden video camera and the images of gallery visitors were projected live through a monitor at the front of Fosdick Nelson Gallery.
“The show was a dotted line  – buttons spaced eye height – about 8″apart, all around the entire gallery with late submissions piled up at the entry. buttons_with_CrateAs crowd came in, they cued up and made this slow, shuffling line, following the dots around the entire space. Was wild because of the button’s size, everyone was sucked right up to the walls and the entire center was empty. I made a show poster in the window foam board of the entrance saying BUTTON BUTTON with a 12 ” hole cut out with a video monitor pushed up to it from behind. Looked like one of the buttons except it moved.
I had a very wide lens on a b/w camera and as folks came by the semi hidden camera, while looking closely at the buttons, they became a distorted, graphic part of the advertisement outside the gallery.  Moving button images . . .”    

— Snodgrass, Harland. E-mail to John Hosford, August 30, 2010

In the short time I have known him, Harland has always exhibited a keen sense of community with Alfred and, more specifically, with the School of Art and Design. Button_Button_paperworkHis donations to Scholes Library are “raw materials” that have been boxed, moved, stored, shifted, dropped, photographed, and finally shipped back to the relative comfort of Scholes Library in the village of Alfred, where they can be prodded and coaxed into new forms.
The display in Scholes Library will be up from February 10th through March 10th.
– John Hosford

AU Libraries Count! … Literally!

AU Libraries Count!  Literally!cur_george

Yay libraries!  Everyone values libraries. Who could not love the place that loaned you your first Curious George book?  Or saved you during that hellacious all-nighter on “Nietzsche Meets James Joyce: an Anthropologic Investigation into The Quantum Mechanics of Prose”?  Whether it’s following the Man in the Yellow Hat or citing Hawking’s History of Time, we have all been influenced and rescued by a “good library”.   The value of a good library has rarely been challenged.  For generations, the simple co-location of materials, services and expertise assured a measure of all-around “goodness.”
But things have changed.  We have entered an “e-everything” world: E-Books, E-Journals, E-Collections, E-Reserves, E-Zines, E-Publishing, E-Reference, E-Scholarship, and so on.  Many of our most valued resources and services are no longer bound by “place.”   No longer will a high “gate-count”, or a huge number of volumes, a special collection, a quantity of on-site services, or the availability of librarian expertise truly indicate the real value of a library.
Alright then, how can libraries capture and measure their real value?  Well, we do it the old fashioned way.  We count!  Only by collecting and studying meaningful details of your interactions with us can we best express our concrete impact to our community and plan for strategic improvement.  We count a wide variety of interactions that make a difference to your success. Some of the statistics we count are obvious, but we also analyze interactions you may not even recognize as library services.   As a result, the AU Libraries can assure you that you will receive better and more efficient service.  We are measuring a great deal about how, why, where, and when you use the library and we are learning what ways our libraries have value and meaning to you. 
Here are just a few of the things we are analyzing:

  • How you use the library on campus and at a distance
  • Your most frequently asked questions
  • Time required to help you
  • Which curriculums/assignments need most assistance
  • Which services/resources you use (or don’t use)
  • Time of day/week/month/year you use services
  • Most common issues with our services/resources
  • How service is delivered (phone, text, in library, on the street, drop in, department, etc.)
  • Number of instruction sessions we teach, to whom, on what topics, etc.
  • Collaborations with instructors
  • Website usage, including popular research paths, visitor locations, usage patterns, and electronic library guides
  • Remote loaning/borrowing and document delivery transactions  (what are we borrowing/lending, to/from who, in what areas, when, etc.)

From data like this we discover where we can:

  • Improve staffing patterns and locationslan-dash
  • Enhance or introduce new services
  • Improve current services
  • Discover both strengths and weaknesses in our collections
  • Learn which services are under-utilized
  • Uncover impediments to efficiency
  • Identify courses that could benefit from customized instruction sessions
  • Help you use your time most efficiently
  • Better understand your assignments
  • Cultivate collaborations with faculty
  • Build a more meaningful instruction program

These are just a few measurements and potential outcomes.  Over the course of the coming semesters we will build a substantial databank of valuable information on how you use the AU Libraries.   This is certainly a painstaking process, but your librarians and library staff are excited to see what we uncover.

Yes indeed, AU Libraries Count!  
 In More Ways Than One!


– Mark A. Smith

New e-book collection at Herrick

For patrons who prefer reading and doing research online, there is great news!
Herrick has recently subscribed to EBSCOhost’s eBook Academic Collection, which contains about 120,000 e-books! This is in addition to the 10,000 e-books already available through our general EBSCOhost eBook Collection and is included in the over 370,000 e-books offered in total.
Our new Academic Collection consists of a variety of multifaceted eBook titles that pertain but are not limited to academic subjects such as: art, business and economics, education, language arts, literary criticism, medicine, performing arts, philosophy, poetry, political science, religion, social science, and technology and engineering.
Titles are added to our extensive collection each month, ensuring that users have access to the most current resources that are relevant to their research needs. All titles are available to users with free, equal and unlimited access.
To browse through our eBook Academic Collection, please click here:  http://ezproxy.alfred.edu:2048/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=ip,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=e000xna
–Natalie Skwarek

DVD Collections at Herrick Library

Did you know that Herrick Library has over 3000 DVDs available for 3-day check out?  Alfred University students, faculty and staff may borrow up to 3 DVDs at a time.  Library users from the community who have purchased memberships can also borrow DVDs.  Although most people check the movies out, they can also be viewed in the library, both at a special station or on library laptops (ear buds and headphones are available at the front desk for use in the library.)
Much of the collection has been built from the suggestions of AU students and faculty, so it’s got a little bit of everything. Want more detail?
Check out our movie list: http://herrick.alfred.edu/index.php/movies
So what kind of movies will you find in Herrick’s collection?
We have new movies
We have old movies — or as we like to call them — Classics
We have TV Series
We have movies from all over the world
We have some special interest movies — for example we have several Anime titles like this one
We also have just plain old mindless-entertainment-stress-relief movies like this one
Remember, if you don’t find what you’re looking for, please send Steve Crandall a recommendation at fcrandall@alfred.edu or drop a note in the Suggestion Box.       We count on our users to help build this collection, so let us know what you’d like to see.  ENJOY A MOVIE TODAY!
— Steve Crandall

Artists' Books at the Scholes Library

You’d expect a library of art and engineering to have many books about art, but what you might not expect–or be aware of–is that the Scholes Library also has a significant collection of books that ARE art.  More commonly called “artists’ books,” these volumes are works of art in and of themselves, and often are not restricted to the typical book format.

"The Sick Rose," a poem from Songs of Innocence and Experience by William Blake.

“The Sick Rose,” a page from Songs of Innocence and Experience by William Blake.

How you define the history and chronology of artists’ books depends largely on how you define artists’ books themselves.  Illuminated manuscripts have existed for centuries, of course, some merging art and text in ways that would now be clearly recognized as belonging to the world of artists’ books.  However, William Blake’s work in his Songs of Innocence and Experience is widely considered the most direct ancestor to the modern artist’s book.  Unlike medieval illuminated manuscripts, which were generally highly collaborative, each copy of Songs of Innocence and Experience was written, printed, illustrated, and bound by Blake and his wife.
Some contemporary artists’ books could still be considered illustrated narratives or collections of poetry, like Blake’s work, but the majority do not present their content in such a linear fashion, or even draw such distinct lines between form and content.  This may in part be due to the artist’s book’s strong historical connection to–and development from–the Dadaist movement, in which they took their place alongside performance art and published manifestos as a core part of the movement.

Every Building on the Sunset Strip, a Ruscha book in our collection that, according to the Getty’s “Pacific Standard Time” blog, “reinvented the artist’s book.”

The modern artist’s book, however–that is, the artist’s book as we know it today–can be in large part credited to the avant-garde and postmodern artists of the 50s, 60s, and 70s, most notably among them Dieter Roth and Ed Ruscha.
We happen to have significant collections of the works of both of these artists right here at the Scholes Library!  A walk into our special collections room (after speaking with one of the librarians on duty) will reveal several works by Ruscha and Roth, including Ruscha’s Some Los Angeles Apartments and Roth’s Stupidogramme.
Ruscha’s work in particular plays with the format of the book, frequently expanding it into the accordion folds seen in Sunset Strip.
This alteration, denial, or subversion of the book form appears frequently in the works we have in our collection.  The accordion fold, for instance, is crucial to the functioning of Scott McCarney’s Memory Loss.  Printed on both sides and barely two inches wide when shut, Memory Loss reads differently depending on which angle you choose to view it from, seemingly orphaned words leaping across the folds of the paper to construct sentences along the length of the book.
Still other works maintain the standard book form, humument1but use art to explore writing itself.  In A Humument, Tom Philips took as his starting point an obscure Victorian novel by W.H. Mallock, A Human Document.  By altering every page with painting and collage, he created an entirely new work, and brought out meanings from the text that the original author never would have intended–but which he nevertheless wrote.

A page from A Humument.

If you’re interested in learning more about artists’ books, I’d also recommend checking out A Century of Artists’ Books.  Written by Riva Castleman and published on the occasion of the MoMA exhibit of the same name, it is an excellent introduction to the art form.  And, of course, feel free to search the Scholes collection for yourself!

-Eva Sclippa

Welcome to the Alfred University Library News Blog!

This blog, which we’ll more fully start posting to in January, is a replacement for the previously separate Herrick and Scholes Library blogs.  Since much of our news was relevant to both libraries, we decided to consolidate!

While we’ll certainly be using this blog to keep you up to date on official library news, it will also be much more than that.  We’ll be covering everything from our collections and services to theme posts dealing with university events, interviews with students and faculty, and, of course, news about upcoming library events or policy changes.  This eclectic mix will be made even more varied by our range of contributors, librarians and staff members from both the Scholes and Herrick Libraries.  Though many of our posts will be relevant to both libraries, some will give you the opportunity to explore a facet of one of the libraries more in-depth.

We welcome your feedback and questions in the comments section, and, while we’re at it, any suggestions for future blog posts!  Feel free to leave us a note about anything you think we should write about in the future.

More coming soon!