DVD Collections at Herrick Library

Did you know that Herrick Library has over 3000 DVDs available for 3-day check out?  Alfred University students, faculty and staff may borrow up to 3 DVDs at a time.  Library users from the community who have purchased memberships can also borrow DVDs.  Although most people check the movies out, they can also be viewed in the library, both at a special station or on library laptops (ear buds and headphones are available at the front desk for use in the library.)
Much of the collection has been built from the suggestions of AU students and faculty, so it’s got a little bit of everything. Want more detail?
Check out our movie list: http://herrick.alfred.edu/index.php/movies
So what kind of movies will you find in Herrick’s collection?
We have new movies
We have old movies — or as we like to call them — Classics
We have TV Series
We have movies from all over the world
We have some special interest movies — for example we have several Anime titles like this one
We also have just plain old mindless-entertainment-stress-relief movies like this one
Remember, if you don’t find what you’re looking for, please send Steve Crandall a recommendation at fcrandall@alfred.edu or drop a note in the Suggestion Box.       We count on our users to help build this collection, so let us know what you’d like to see.  ENJOY A MOVIE TODAY!
— Steve Crandall