We wish everyone a very happy holiday season! May you all have a wonderful and restful winter recess. See you next year. 🙂
Best Regards,
Herrick and Scholes Library
For over twenty years Herrick Library has been collecting AU student art. Sometimes the library itself buys from the senior shows…
sometimes the library is given art from a committee which buys excellent student art to place across campus…
sometimes students really just want to leave a piece of their work at Alfred, and they give it to the library…
or make the library a really great deal…
We also have some art that was created by our own student workers…
Some of the art is fanciful…
Some is abstract…
Herrick also hosts temporary student art exhibits…
Sometimes art can just disappear when you’ve walked by it for a long time without really looking at it. When you’ve got a few spare minutes, check out the student art at Herrick. Most of the library’s student art is in the Learning Commons, and in the top floor hallway between the Children’s room and the East Wing (toward Alumni Hall.) Most pieces are identified by the name and graduation year of the artist. They’d be happy for you to stop by and see what they created.
Steve Crandall