Here’s an incomplete list of some of what Herrick and Scholes have to offer.
Articles you can’t just Google
The libraries subscribe to numerous databases which give you access to thousands of journal and magazine articles not freely available in a typical Google search. Searching these databases instead of just Googling cuts downs on search time. Also, the articles you’ll find are more likely to be reliable sources. A librarian can help you evaluate your results to be sure.
Video Streaming
Alfred University Libraries subscribes to a video streaming service, Kanopy. It contains thousands of movies and documentaries. Try it here: Kanopy

Materials sent from aLL over the world
We don’t have what you need? Bet we know someone who does. Since libraries love to share take advantage of a little library magic known as InterLibrary Loan, a.k.a ILL. Our ILL specialists Patty Barber and Amanda Criss can search and obtain materials like books, articles and theses from all over the world. We’ve borrowed books from as far away as Australia. For details contact Patty in Scholes or Amanda in Herrick. Many patrons tell us the wish they’d found out about this sooner.
24-hour study rooms
Both Herrick and Scholes have designated 24 hours study areas with separate, secure entrances. Each has PCs and a printer. Access is protected by keypad entry. Bring your AU ID card to the front desk to receive the access code.

Specialized Software
Need something specific to get your work done? We have SolidWorks, MATLAB, SciGlass, SPSS, Adobe PhotoShop and MSOffice just to name a few. See library staff for a complete list of what’s available at Herrick and/or Scholes.
Specialized Librarians
Alfred University Libraries has a team of six Librarians ready to help you with papers, projects and other research assignments. Whether it’s Art, English, Gerontology, Glass Science Engineering, Business, Planetary Science, Criminal Justice, Psychology, Global Studies or any of Alfred University’s 40 majors-or one you design yourself-we have a Librarian who specializes in your area. All the Librarians are happy to help you anytime, but to connect with your “Personal Librarian” click here.
This isn’t quite the same as the last one. Everyone who works in the libraries-from our student workers at the front desk to the Dean, Director or the Archivists (we have Archivists!) love to help out. That’s pretty much the number one reason people work in libraries. We all love questions-whatever you’re working on is more interesting than whatever we were doing so please interrupt us! So if you need directions to the Equestrian Center, help locating a book, or just don’t know where the bathroom is we’re here to help.
We snuck it in anyway because the books are still so good! From New York Times Best Sellers to 17th century leather bound multi-volume tomes we have tens of thousands of books. We love helping people find just the right one. Some are red, some are blue, some are old and some are new. Some are thin, some are fat. The fat one has a yellow hat. (Okay, maybe not that last part.)