New Printer in Scholes 24 Hour Room!

The News You Have Been Waiting For…

After a long hard battle, tirelessly fought by many brave warriors from ITS, Toshiba, the Libraries and Procurement, victory has been achieved.  There is a NEW printer in the 24 Hour Study Room of Scholes Library.
Thanks to all who refused to give up the fight.
Does it take my fob?
Does it print double sided?
The 24 Hour Study Room is Available to all current Alfred University students.  It has a separate, secure exterior entrance on the south side of the building, across from Harder Hall.  To obtain the access code to this room, show your Alfred University student ID at the front desk.
A similar room is also available in Herrick Library with key code access upon request.
Roll the tape…

Welcome Nicolas Crosby!

Nicolas has recently joined the Alfred University Library team as a Technical Services Assistant.  He is based primarily in Scholes Library where he can be found learning the ropes of serials and acquisitions.  We subjected him to a few introductory questions.
What was your background before Alfred University?  crosbyn
Education: Before coming to Scholes, I dabbled in business, history, and classics and earned a B.A. in Religious Studies (Global) at Pacific Lutheran University.  Then I went on to get an M.S. in Resource Management at Central Washington University.
Work: My first proper job was in a small upstate New York town called Alfred, at a library that focused on Art and Engineering… more recently I’ve interned at the Museum of Popular Culture, working on their Star Trek exhibit, and I had an internship at the Smithsonian in the ethnology artifact collections.
What is most interesting about your current position? So far I’ve loved seeing just how large a collection of serials we have at Scholes, and the range of subjects that they touch upon.  I’m also interested in how they can be integrated into the future plans of the Alfred University Libraries, and other internal initiatives.
What are you most proud of? Personally, I’m most proud of my signed book collection.  Starting in high school (with a gift of a signed copy of the Name of the Wind, from a friend of mine), I made a point and effort to meet as many of my favorite authors as I could, and talk to them, and get personal messages and signatures.  Some of the authors I’m most proud of meeting and getting signatures from include Garth Nix, Scott Lynch, Patrick Rothfuss, Brandon Sanderson (at least three times), and Robin Hobb (who I had a delightful cup of tea with once, and scones another).
I’m also quite proud to have worked on the EMP Star Trek exhibit—that’s now traveling the US—and of my work on Balinese ceremonial daggers at the Smithsonian.
What advice would you give to students today? Meet with your professors!  It doesn’t matter if you necessarily talk about classes, or grades, or anything like that, but many professors have led pretty interesting lives (I especially recommend Anthropologists!) and are more than happy to give you sage advice, or at the very least, expand your interests and knowledge.  Who knows when or how they could help you, from anything to homework, to something that’s been looming over you because of your personal life.  Build a rapport—profs are people too!
Favorite social media platform:  Discord—not only do I talk with my friends on it but I also follow several of my favorite authors, starting with Terry Mancour.  My follow up favorite is Facebook, because I talk to friends on it as well, but also because many authors will have book giveaways, and announce them there.
What are you reading? I’m currently rereading the Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch, Vinland Saga by Makoto Yukimura, and Ghostwater by Will Wight.  I’m also reading, for the first time, The Wandering Inn a web serial by pirateaba.
What do you like to do to for fun?  In the winter I like to read, watch anime and movies.  During the summer I play badminton and tennis when I can.  I’m also always up for a game of table tennis.
What is something would you like to learn?  I would love to learn a second language.  I took Spanish in high school, and Latin at PLU, but never reached mastery in either, and haven’t used them much since.
What would be your desert island packing list?
1 book: Man vs Ocean: One Man’s Journey to Swim the World’s Toughest Oceans and Change His Life Forever.  Unless for some reason swimming off was completely out of the question.  Then Sabriel by Garth Nix.  I’ve already read it over 20 times, so I know it’s a good read that would just keep giving.
1 album (let’s pretend you have a solar powered audio device of some kind): the Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust OST
1 snack (in endless re-supply): Pandekager with sugar and lemon juice
Is there anything about you that others would be surprised to know? Probably how much I’ve traveled in my life.  I spent months at a time in Bali during my childhood with my Anthropologist mother, tagged along with my father when he was a professor on Semester at Sea (Bahamas, Cuba, Brazil, South Africa, Tanzania, Kenya, India, Japan, Korea, and Canada), and then lived with my mom briefly in Australia after returning from SAS.  During the time between then and graduation, I spent several holidays as a tourist in Ireland, Bulgaria, and Greece.  After graduating high school, I took a J-term course studying Classical and Archaic Greece, followed that summer with an archaeological dig in Halmyris, Romania, and spent some time in London and Costa Rica over separate breaks.  I’ve also visited my maternal relatives in Denmark multiple times throughout my life, and have returned to Bali as an adult to visit new and old friends and haunts.
alfred university libraries logo

Human Library Event


“Don’t Judge a Book by its Cover” — Visit the Human Library at Alfred University to learn more about the people who make up our community.

January 23, 11:30am-1:30pm at Herrick Library in the BookEnd Lounge.

What is the Human Library?  book glasses

The Human Library at Alfred University is a collaboration between the University Libraries and the Institute for Cultural Unity (ICU). The ICU strives to “[develop] self-awareness and respect for others through the sharing of experiences and cultures”; the Human Library will provide a forum for sharing experiences and engaging in dialog.
The Human Library event plays off the idea that readers engage in dialog with books, which they check out from a library. In these events, the Books are participants who select the subject matter and title they will represent. They are the resources which will be utilized by Readers. Readers are event attendees, who can select a Book (based on title and possibly description) to “check out.” Checking out a Book entails engaging in a one-on-one conversation for a short period of time (usually 15 minutes) which focuses on the Book’s title. The context of the event provides a safe and judgment-free time and place for Readers to ask questions they may not feel comfortable expressing in other situations and for Books to share themselves and their experiences.

girl with bookWhy are we doing this?

The  Alfred University community is full of individuals with unique identities, experiences, and stories to tell. The Human Library will provide a forum in which participants can embrace the variety of individuals who make Alfred the “magical” place it is. Rather than having community members feel a need to assimilate in order to fit in, we want to celebrate difference while also finding the “common ground” which brings our community together.

Who is the Human Library for?

The entire Alfred University community is invited to participate, as Books, Readers, or both. We hope to have as broad and diverse an array of participants as possible. Every individual has something unique which they can share as a Book, and everyone will find value in engaging as Readers.
If you are interested in being a Book, contact Brian Saltsman (

Winter Break Library Hours

Library Services Continue During Winter Break

The University (including the libraries) will be closed December 22nd-January 2nd. During this time the Herrick Library 24-hour study room will remain accessible.

Winter Break Hours

Herrick Memorial Library

Thursday, January 3rd-Monday, January 21st

Monday-Friday  8:30 am-4:30 pm


Samuel R. Scholes Library

Thursday, January 3rd-Monday, January 21st

Monday-Friday  8:00 am-4:00 pm

alfred university libraries logo

Announcing Dean Search

Alfred University Libraries Begin Search for Next Dean of Libraries

The Alfred University Libraries seek an innovative leader to join a highly engaged team in the midst of a self-initiated reorganization. We are looking for someone with strong skills in advocacy, communication, and collaboration to lead us in achieving a shared vision.  herrick
Founded in 1836, and nestled between the foothills of the Allegheny Mountains and the Finger Lakes wine region in western New York State, Alfred University is a small comprehensive private university. It is situated on a sprawling 232-acre campus where nearly 2,200 undergraduate and graduate students reside in a vibrant, student-centered learning community. Outdoor recreational opportunities are abundant at our campus location, while our New York City area satellite instructional locations keep Alfred connected with an urban experience.
Alfred University houses the New York State College of Ceramics, a Statutory College of the State of New York, creating a unique public-private partnership. One result of this distinctive arrangement is that Alfred’s students, faculty, and staff are served by two libraries: The Samuel R. Scholes Library, which supports the School of Engineering and the School of Arts and Design, and Herrick Memorial Library, which supports the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the College of Business, and AUNY (External Programs).
The Dean of Libraries is the chief administrative and budgetary officer of the University Libraries (Scholes and Herrick) and plays a key role in working with faculty, other deans, the Provost, and the President to advance the mission of the Libraries in conjunction with the mission of Alfred University. The Dean will provide strategic vision and be responsible for leading the strategic planning process to achieve that vision. The Dean will build on the current strengths of the Libraries while ensuring a solid foundation for their future. The duties of the Dean of Libraries include advocating for necessary resources including appropriate levels of staffing and adequate compensation, and representing the libraries to the greater campus, trustees, SUNY-system, and additional communities outside the University. Success in that mission will require understanding of and enthusiasm for the unique role of libraries in higher education and the ability to successfully convey this perspective to diverse audiences. The successful candidate will embrace new perspectives and have the ability to lead the library staff to identify and act on opportunities for collaboration and effective change. The Dean of Libraries will oversee the assessment of library services and their continuous improvement, which includes maintaining and reporting library statistics. The Dean ensures the delivery of quality library service to students in residence at Alfred University as well as to students in off-campus programs in New York City and Corning, NY, and provides creative leadership in identifying and highlighting the ways in which the University Libraries support campus wide retention goals.
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Alfred University is a comprehensive university of 2,000 students, located in Western New York. Additional information is available here.
Send letter of interest, résumé or CV, and contact information for three professional references (address, phone number, and email) as one PDF document to with Dean of Libraries in the subject line. Review of candidates will begin on January 28, 2019, and continue until the position is filled.
For more information and to apply, visit: the Dean Search LibGuide found here.

Lego Your Stress

Stop by the Lego Table in Scholes Library

In the rush to finish final essays, papers, projects, prepare for critiques, presentations and exams the end of semester is a stressful time. Take a break from the hectic pace and give yourself a moment to relax and de-stress in a creative way at the Scholes Library Lego table.
lego stress
Drop in during library hours to build a creation. Feel free to fill out a “show card” with the title of your work and credit to the artist (that would be you) and display it in our “Lego Gallery”.
The Lego table can be found in Scholes Library on the first floor and will be available now through finals week.gianni lego
A recent study published in Art Therapy indicates that a creative activity can be great way to let go of stress.  To read more, go to the Herrick or Scholes home page, select the purple “Article” tab and enter the title, “Reduction of Cortisol Levels and Participants’ Responses Following Art Making” in the search box.  You can also follow this link to the article.  If you are not on the Alfred University campus you will be prompted to log in with your ITS credentials.
Stop by and Lego your stress today!
scholes lego

Welcome Marilyn Dueño

Alfred University Libraries is pleased to announce the recent hiring of Marilyn Dueño to the position of Public Services Coordinator.

You may have noticed a new face around Scholes Library.  Marilyn Dueño has recently joined the Alfred University family as the newest member of the library team. In her new role, Marilyn will be managing the front desk and mentoring the student workers in Scholes Library. With her trademark smile and positive attitude Marilyn will enthusiastically uphold the high standards of customer service library patrons have come to expect.  She can occasionally be spotted at Herrick Memorial Library too, so please stop by the libraries and welcome Marilyn to the Alfred University community.

duenoIn the meantime, we asked Marilyn 11 questions because 10 is too predictable.

What was your background before Alfred University?  Prior to working at Scholes Library I was a teller at Serv-U Credit Union. Although I really enjoyed my interactions with the members, I missed my interactions with college students. I have always been a public service representative everywhere I go. Serving the public and putting their needs before mine.
What is your educational background?  I have an Associate degree in Financial Services and a  Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Alfred State College.
What is most interesting about your new position?  Working with the students, and being part of a community that puts student success first.
What do you hope to accomplish in your new role?  I hope to impact every student I come in contact with.
What are you most proud of?  One thing I am most proud of is paying off my student loans, and informing others how to do the same.
What advice would you give to students today?  Ask questions, use every resource available to you.
What software/web tools do you use regularly?  Google
Favorite social media platform:  Pinterest
What do you do to relax?  Depending on the day, I enjoy watching criminal investigation shows such as: Law and Order: Special Victims’ Unit, as well as medical drama shows such as: The Resident and The Good Doctor. If I have a day to myself I like to bake.
What is a skill or hobby you’d like to learn?  Target shooting
Is there anything about you that others would be surprised to know?  I know how to thread eyebrows; I thread my own eyebrows.

Celebrating University Press Week


Alfred University Libraries joins schools around the country in celebration of University Press Week, November 12th-17th!

The University Press community amplifies voices, disciplines, and communities.
University presses around the country publish international and local authors writing on subjects that are broad, niche, and every level of inquiry in between. Without university presses, many of these authors or subjects would not be heard so clearly in the marketplace of ideas. [1]
SUNY Press
Since 1966 SUNY Press has published research, writing and scholarly work throughout the State University of New York (SUNY) system.suny-press-logo
SUNY Press sponsors publications in the areas of African American studies, Asian studies, environmental studies, Indigenous studies, Italian American studies, Jewish studies, philosophy, political science, queer studies, religion, transpersonal psychology, and women’s studies.
Through its Excelsior Editions imprint, SUNY Press publishes works for an audience beyond academia with popular titles showcasing the history, diversity and natural beauty of the New York region. [2]
University Press Week
What is University Press Week? In the summer of 1978 President Jimmy Carter proclaimed a University Press Week “in recognition of the impact, both here and abroad, of American university presses on culture and scholarship.”
The importance of university press publishing continues today.  University Press Week highlights the extraordinary work of nonprofit scholarly publishers and their many contributions to culture, academia and an informed society at large. [3]
A foyer display in Scholes Library highlights a sampling of SUNY Press publications. Stop by and see what SUNY Press has contributed to the academic conversation.
Can you spot the names of any Alfred University professors in the display?
[1] Association of University Presses 
[2] SUNY Press
[3] University Press Week

November is National Novel Writing Month

Get inspired by the NaNoWriMo Challenge!

What do New York Times Bestsellers Water for Elephants, Wool and Fangirl have in common?

Image result for water for elephantsImage result for wool (book) Image result for fan girl book

They all began as a part of National Novel Writing Month’s 30 day challenge. 

Ever wanted to write a book? Take the NaNoWriMo challenge to write a 50,000 word novel in just one month. Time to dust off those story ideas and give yourself a deadline to get that novel finished!  National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) began in 1999 as an annual, Internet-based creative writing project. Participants can register at for support as they attempt to write a 50,000 word manuscript between November 1 and November 30.
Sound crazy or exhilarating? No pressure if you aren’t ready to commit to an entire novel just yet.
Join other aspiring writers Friday, November 16th at 7pm in the BookEnd Cafe of Herrick Library for an evening of creative writing, discussion, and share your story! 

For more information: