November is National Novel Writing Month

Get inspired by the NaNoWriMo Challenge!

What do New York Times Bestsellers Water for Elephants, Wool and Fangirl have in common?

Image result for water for elephantsImage result for wool (book) Image result for fan girl book

They all began as a part of National Novel Writing Month’s 30 day challenge. 

Ever wanted to write a book? Take the NaNoWriMo challenge to write a 50,000 word novel in just one month. Time to dust off those story ideas and give yourself a deadline to get that novel finished!  National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) began in 1999 as an annual, Internet-based creative writing project. Participants can register at for support as they attempt to write a 50,000 word manuscript between November 1 and November 30.
Sound crazy or exhilarating? No pressure if you aren’t ready to commit to an entire novel just yet.
Join other aspiring writers Friday, November 16th at 7pm in the BookEnd Cafe of Herrick Library for an evening of creative writing, discussion, and share your story! 

For more information: