The Alfred University libraries recently introduced a new online video streaming service, Kanopy.
Kanopy‘s collection includes thousands of award-winning documentaries, training films and theatrical releases.
The collection includes films by leading producers, such as the Criterion Collection, PBS, Kino Lorber, New Day Films, The Great Courses, California Newsreel, and hundreds more.
Click here to start watching.
To find to Kanopy in the future, choose the Databases A-Z option on the Herrick or Scholes library homepage.
We hope you enjoy the films!
Is this service open to the public? If so, who would one of my writing interns talk to about getting more information? Thanks.
Debbie Clark
Deborah E. Clark
Director, Office of Communications
Alfred University
1 Saxon Drive
Alfred, New York 14802
Office: 607.871.2040
Cell: 585.610.8632
The collection is available to current Alfred University students, staff, and faculty.When accessing the collection from off-campus, the user will be prompted for an Alfred University username and password (the same values that are used for AU email login). If you need more information, please let me know. Ellen Bahr