For patrons who prefer reading and doing research online, there is great news!
Herrick has recently subscribed to EBSCOhost’s eBook Academic Collection, which contains about 120,000 e-books! This is in addition to the 10,000 e-books already available through our general EBSCOhost eBook Collection and is included in the over 370,000 e-books offered in total.
Our new Academic Collection consists of a variety of multifaceted eBook titles that pertain but are not limited to academic subjects such as: art, business and economics, education, language arts, literary criticism, medicine, performing arts, philosophy, poetry, political science, religion, social science, and technology and engineering.
Titles are added to our extensive collection each month, ensuring that users have access to the most current resources that are relevant to their research needs. All titles are available to users with free, equal and unlimited access.
To browse through our eBook Academic Collection, please click here:,uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=e000xna
–Natalie Skwarek