The IEA kicked off its 2021 Artist in Residence Program by welcoming artist collaborators Nicholas Steindorf and Kyle Williams (Blinn and Lambert) as Visual Arts Artists in residence: January 4 – 15.

During their residency, Steindorf and Williams, worked on “Postcards 2020,” a series of experimental screen prints that continued an exploration of shape, color and pattern that they have pursued through their extensive work with light-based imaging-making methods. They created multiple editions, and many single variations of color and pattern.

They used subtractive color, as opposed to additive color, to build up colors through screen-printing. They successfully used one design to create four different color variations upon the same shape. Additionally, they made one large screen-print of a shirt, a CMYK abstraction from a single shirt shape, and many singular prints based on the many screens they had burned.

Blinn and Lambert is the pseudonym for the collaborative duo of Nicholas Steindorf and Kyle Williams. Their work is motivated by the history of image-making technologies – CGI interfaces, Dutch still life paintings, practical cinema effects, stereoscopic cameras – and the way these technologies can be paradigms for describing time, material, and screen presence. Working with video, animation, installation, and printmaking they explore humor, desire, anxiety, and bewilderment through meditations on quotidian objects and actions. Blinn and Lambert have exhibited at Artspace in New Haven, CT, Microscope Gallery in Brooklyn, NY, and PIX Film in Toronto, Canada.

Steindorf and Williams
Williams and Steindorf preparing next print for printing.
Williams preparing to flood a screen for printing.
Williams and Steindorf preparing a screen.