Evan Bobrow

Evan Bobrow was our final NYSCA Visual Arts Artist in Residence for 2019. Evan was at the IEA November 11-15 2019, where he made an Alfred iteration of his Moonrise Initiative.

The project is map inspired, with the coordinates of Alfred, NY. Evan started the project with new mono prints, these multi-color images were made by using large brush stokes and blending techniques. Then Evan photographed the mono prints and used them as source information to generate a series of topographic relief, contour map images. A major part of the project was the translation from the mono prints photographic information into highly detailed vector images. The resulting speculative maps, were then cut with a laser cutter into cast acrylic. To cut the acrylic, numerous tests were required to balance detail and heat warping the plates. The acrylic plates were then intaglio inked with white ink. The prints were made on Xuan Indigo paper, which is delicate structurally when dampened, so laying the paper and removing it from the plate can be a fragile process.

Evan Bobrow grew up in Rochester, NY. He holds a BA in Architecture with dual minors in Design and Computer Science from Washington University in St. Louis. The primary focus in his work is the intersection between quantitative study and emotional experience. Drawing from technical aesthetics, including user manuals, city plans, and blueprints, Bobrow uses these sources to legitimize the subject matter, or to explore a concept more deeply through technical practices. His recent exhibitions include, Year End Show, Washington University in St. Louis, Hedge, Contemporary Art Museum of St. Louis, Spectroplexus, Lambert International Airport and Transcription Beta and Digital Evolutions at Washington University in St. Louis. He recently was artist in residence at Main Street Arts, Clifton Springs, NY.


Evan Bobrow with laser-cut acrylic plate in John Wood Print Shop

Evan Bobrow checking laser-cutting on acrylic plate

Evan Bobrow generating vector files while the laser-cuts the acrylic plate (foreground)

Evan Bobrow running the press

Evan Bobrow pulling intaglio inked print on Xuan indigo paper

Evan Bobrow inking /wiping plate