Gerald O’Grady – Reception and Memorial Celebration

Gerald O’Grady – Reception and Memorial Celebration at Anthology Film Archives NYC

Peer Bode Speaker

Peer Bode was an invited speaker for the event, organized by Christine Downing and Teri C. McLuhan. Peer was a student and then Assistant Visiting Professor at Media-Study SUNY Buffalo during Gerald O’Grady’s famed tenure.

Anthology Film Archives celebration the life, works, and legacy of media pioneer, Gerald O’Grady, with stories, reminiscences, videos, photos, and more. Please join us for light refreshments and presentations with friends, family, and colleagues.

Gerald O’Grady was a visionary for Media Arts, and his stewardship in Western New York media arts is manifest in the IEA’s mission, dedicated to studio research labs, hosting national and international conferences, and artists’ residencies and workshops.

From ZKM

With his energy, his ambition, and his enthusiasm, Gerald O’Grady made a groundbreaking contribution to the founding and establishment of film and media-studies in the U.S. He organized many influential conferences about media art [at MoMA in 1974], or participated in them. He initiated research projects, summer academies, and festivals. Proceeding from the conviction that one can only really take part in society if one understands its communication canals and codes, he set himself the project of improving the mediatic competence of all the people within his sphere of influence.