Allen Riley

For the week of September 3-7, the IEA had the great pleasure of welcoming EIA MFA alumnus, artist/educator Allen Riley. During his residency, Riley studied and made recordings using the Sandin Image Processor, Jones Video Synth, ATEM Mixer/Keyer, and live cameras. Riley made a new three-channel video and installed it in the Snodgrass TSI gallery and tested the piece in the Expanded Media Immersive Gallery and put-up residency WIP footage on the McGee EM studios’ flat-screen monitor. Riley also began work on and generating content for a new multi-channel work incorporating archival footage from the history of computers, cybernetics and information science. For part of this content he visited the holdings of the NYSCC Scholes Library for research and books to use in this developing project.

It was great to have Allen’s energy and generosity back at Alfred. He helped in the IEA studio development by pushing the capacities of our system, resulting in additional inputs and new understanding of the Jones Synths. Riley also engaged with students, he visited and presented work related to his VIDEOFREAK video art arcade game to Barbara Lattanzi’s Generative and Interactive Animation class and visited the EIA grads in their Work and Analysis class with Will Contino.

Allen Riley is a video artist, educator and game developer. His work is focused on creating contact points between people and the physicality of electronic and digital systems, with an emphasis on waveforms and patterns that occur in nature. Riley’s aim is to provide visitors with tactile entry points into self-reflection and dialogue regarding their own practices of media production and consumption.