IEA Director Joseph Scheer International Appointments

IEA Director & Co-founder, Joseph Scheer received multiple prestigious appointments in 2019-20 in recognition of his commitment to Education and International Communication in Electronic Media Arts.

Deputy Dean of the International Printmaking Institute, representing the United States.

Director of IEA Joseph Scheer appointed Deputy Dean of the International Printmaking Institute, representing the United States.

In 2016, the International Academic Printmaking Alliance (IAPA), initiated by the Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA), was officially established in Beijing. The founding of IAPA marks a solid platform of communication and development for international printmaking programs, promoting printmaking researches, teaching, and exchanges under different cultural contexts and among different countries.In January 2020, the CAFA founded the International Printmaking Institute (IPI). The Institute is attached to the CAFA, with the Printmaking Department as the executive unit. The establishment of the IPI is to give stronger impetus and make deeper research on international printmaking’s teaching, creating, exhibiting, cross-country exchanges, skills developing and international development trends. The IAPA events would all be held under the framework of the IPI, further ensuring the implementation of the Alliance’s mission. The CAFA will allocate proper funds to support regular operations of the IPI, which fully demonstrates the Academy’s support to the cause of international printmaking. To some extent, it also shows that the achievements of IAPA are highly recognized by the CAFA and all sectors.Fundación´ace International Honorary Advisory Board

Dongshi Scholar Chair, Professor at Northeast China Normal University in Changchun China

IEA Director, Joseph Scheer has received the honor of being the Dongshi Scholar Chair, Professor at Northeast China Normal University in Changchun China. He recently finished a special workshop on Digital Print using Xuan paper at Northeast China Normal University, While there he gave 3 major lectures about IEA research and the Programs of the School of Art and Design at Alfred University. His hosts were Dean Shuchun Li and Professor of Print, Liu Fu. It was a very productive time with the Graduates and Undergraduates producing numerous prints. IEA special China Liaison, Aodi Liang was an invaluable asset by assisting in the workshop and doing the translation of all lectures.

State University of New York Distinguished Professor of Print Media Joseph Scheer

The State University of New York confirmed the appointment as Distinguished Professor, effective March 17, 2020. The Board of Trustees reserves this distinction for faculty who epitomize excellence in their profession, and in doing so, distinguish themselves and honor SUNY.

Appointment to a Distinguished Professorship at SUNY is a difficult rank to attain-the selection criteria are rigorous and exacting. Joseph Scheer is the first Professor to attain this rank at The New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University.

As a newly active member of the SUNY Distinguished Academy, he will work with other Distinguished Faculty across SUNY to encourage a renewed commitment to quality instruction, service on SUNY campuses, and leadership development for newer faculty. It is the job of the Distinguished Academy to nurture the talent of new faculty and build avenues for success.

Member of the Fundación´ace para el Arte Contemporáneo International Honorary Advisory Board (FACE-IHAB) for 2020-2022.

Fundación´ace para el Arte Contemporáneo is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to encourage all kinds of initiatives and activities related to contemporary art, being them educational, artistic, or social. The foundation looks forward the professional development of artists. Its mission aims to the development of values through art by promoting the generation of ideas, innovative practices and international cultural exchange together with community development initiatives. ´ace activities serve as bridges linking foreign artists with artists from Argentine and all of them with the urban and social weave of the City of Buenos Aires, one of Latin America more vibrant cultural centers.