Joan Logue

The IEA welcomed Joan Logue of New York, NY, for a week-long residency focused on Video Portrait series. Joan, who essentially created the concept of video portraits in 1971, has traveled worldwide creating video portraits of individuals of all walks of life that have been displayed in installations, what she calls video portrait galleries, nationally and internationally. Joan subjects have included John Cage, Joan Mitchell, Noam Chompsky, Rosa Parks, Cesar Chavez, to name a few.

For her residency, Joan focused on translating her video portraits into printed form. To be displayed along with her video work and for sale as artist prints, Joan selected stills from her video portrait archives and laid them out in a format to show the progression of time in a static form. There are plans in the future to create an artist’s book based on this print series.

Below are images from Joan’s residency: