Upcoming Artist: LoVid

LoVid is Tali Hinkis and Kyle Lapidus. Using homemade electronic devices and DIY sculptural instruments, LoVid overwhelms the senses with new media in their performances, videos, objects and installations. LoVid has toured the US and Europe extensively performing at Eyebeam, Harvestworks, Boley, Max Protetch, Eyedrum, NY Underground Film Festival, Look and Listen Festival, Kraak(3) Festival, Lokaal01, Lumen and Futuresonic Festival, among many others. LoVid has exhibited at COCA Seattle, Sotheby’s, SOUTHFIRST, Happy Lion, Institute of Contemporary Art London and The New Museum of Contemporary Art.

LoVid will be in the IEA for a residency starting on October 25 through to October 29. They are interested working with the analog video processing equipment here, as well as possibly some work with our newer systems. You can see some of their work on their website: http://www.lovid.org/